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The officers of MEAM consist of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. Officers, and elected members of the Executive Committee, are elected by ballot for one year, but hold office until their successors are elected. Elections take place at the first meeting of every calendar year. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First-Vice President assumes the office until the next annual meeting. In case of a vacancy in any other office, the Executive Committee fills the role by appointment.


Current Officers

President:   Joseph Sollecito - Mansfield
First Vice President:   Tara Rondeau - Paxton
Second Vice President:  Thomas Flaherty - Westfield
Executive Secretary/Treasurer:   Jane Parenteau, MEAM

Member at Large:  Kim Holmes, Taunton

Member at Large:  Matt Brown, Rowley
Past President:   Peter Dion - Wakefield

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